DDOS Summary Guide
DDoS Attacks may be impossible to prevent but mitigation options are available via Internet2 NOC (Network Operations Center).
Internet2 has options available to negate or reduce the effect of a distributed denial of service attack.
Discard Traffic Community Quick Reference Guide:
11537:911 - Black Hole. Traffic to these prefixes will be discarded (only for Internet2 R&E) Between a /24 mask and up to a /32 mask
11164:53666 Traffic to these prefixes will be discarded (only for TR-CPS traffic)
Specific Filter Requests
Optionally, Internet2 engineering can implement filtering upon request. To expedite the specific requests include the following information:
The specific protocol with associated port number(s), destination address and duration of filter.
Contacting the Internet2 NOC:
If Internet2 NOC engineering service is immediately required, contact the Internet2 NOC:
Email: noc@net.internet2.edu
Phone: 317-278-6622.
Online Ticket Submission: http://noc.net.internet2.edu/i2network/support/report-a-problem.html
Internet2 BGP Communities:
Internet2 NOC has set up the following combinations to assist members to managing their traffic. The entire BGP community list can be found here: https://noc.net.internet2.edu/i2network/maps-documentation/documentation/bgp-communities.html
Internet2 Documentation:
Internet2’s response to DDOS attacks:
The Internet2 Security Working Group website is location: