Indiana GigaPOP Network Operations Report
2024-03-29 - 2024-04-11

Indiana GigaPOP Network Operations Center

Unscheduled Outages Summary

Incident Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Outage Type Source of Impact Current State Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC) Duration

Unscheduled Outages Detail

None during this report period

Upcoming Scheduled Maintenances

Ticket No.:CHG0077956
Subject:Maintenance Completed - Indiana GigaPOP Various Peers
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Affected:Peer University of Iowa
Peer University of Wisconsin-Madison
Peer University of Minnesota
Start Time:2024-04-12 14:00:00
End Time:2024-04-12 20:00:00
Outgoing Notification TextWisDOT contractors has finished working in a splice case at I-43 and Locust St Milwaukee, WI.

Ticket No.:CHG0077204
Subject:Maintenance 2 of 2 Completed - Indiana GigaPOP Backbone LL-STAR
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Affected:Backbone LL-STAR
Member University of Notre Dame
Start Time:2024-04-12 04:01:00
End Time:2024-04-12 09:00:00
Outgoing Notification TextPlease note this was the second of two maintenance windows. The listed assets were unavailable while Zayo performed fiber maintenance in Noblesville, IN. The entire window was reserved. Backbone traffic was expected to reroute via redundant connections.

Ticket No.:CHG0077890
Subject:Maintenance Completed - Indiana GigaPOP Alarm Testing
Source Of Impact: Internal
Start Time:2024-04-12 04:00:00
End Time:2024-04-12 05:30:00
Outgoing Notification Text