Unified - Internet2 IP Network Operations Report
05/25/2015 - 05/31/2015

Unified - Internet2 IP Network Operations Center
at Indiana University

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Unscheduled Outages Summary

Ticket Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Outage Type Source Of Impact Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC)

40624-Normal 1-Critical Brief Outage Resolved - I2 Optical DWDM System ELPA-SANA Human ErrorVendor 05/28/2015 2:54 AM 05/28/2015 2:55 AM
40844-Normal Brief Outage - I2 AL2S Core Node (STAR) HardwareVendor 05/28/2015 8:34 PM 05/28/2015 8:38 PM

Unscheduled Outages Detail

Ticket No.:4062:144
Subject:Brief Outage Resolved - I2 Optical DWDM System ELPA-SANA
Source Of Impact:Vendor
Affected:DWDM System ELPA-SANA
Start Time:Thursday, May 28, 2015, 2:54 AM (0254) UTC
End Time:Thursday, May 28, 2015, 2:55 AM (0255) UTC
Description:DWDM System ELPA-SANA is available to the community, after a brief outage. Level (3) Communications Engineers report the outage was due to a fiber bump between Del Rio, TX and Comstock, TX. No further impact is expected.

Ticket No.:4084:144
Subject:Brief Outage - I2 AL2S Core Node (STAR)
Source Of Impact:Vendor
Affected:AL2S Core Node Star
Start Time:Thursday, May 28, 2015, 8:34 PM (2034) UTC
End Time:Thursday, May 28, 2015, 8:38 PM (2038) UTC
Description:The above listed assets are available after a brief outage. Internet2 engineers have determined the outage to be caused by a management module failure in the switch. No further outages are expected. All connections to the Core Node were affected.

Scheduled Maintenances Summary

Ticket Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Maintenance Type Source Of Impact Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC)

3925 4-Normal Maintenance Completed - I2 AL2S Backbone SEAT-SEAT Circuit Internal05/29/2015 10:15 AM 05/29/2015 12:20 PM
4088 3-Elevated Emergency Maintenance Completed - I2 AL2S Core Node SEAT HardwareInternal 05/29/2015 11:48 AM 05/29/2015 11:51 AM

Scheduled Maintenances Detail

Ticket No.:3925:144
Subject:Maintenance Completed - I2 AL2S Backbone SEAT-SEAT
Source Of Impact:Internal
Affected:AL2S Backbone SEAT-SEAT
NET+ Provider Code42
Participant UW Science DMZ
Participant UMontana
Connector PNWGP
Participant U of Hawaii
Start Time:Friday, May 29, 2015, 10:15 AM (1015) UTC
End Time:Friday, May 29, 2015, 12:20 PM (1220) UTC
Description: The above listed assets are now available after Internet2 Engineers performed maintenance. Backbone traffic re-routed during this maintenance. This maintenance has been completed. No further outages are expected.

Ticket No.:4088:144
Subject:Emergency Maintenance Completed - I2 AL2S Core Node SEAT
Source Of Impact:Internal
Affected:AL2S Core Node SEAT
NET+ Provider Code42
Start Time:Friday, May 29, 2015, 11:48 AM (1148) UTC
End Time:Friday, May 29, 2015, 11:51 AM (1151) UTC
Description: The above listed assets are now available while Internet2 Engineers performed core node maintenance. An outage was expected. This maintenance has been completed. No further outages are expected.

Downtime and Availability

Unified - Internet2 IP Core NodesDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
ATLA MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
CHIC MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
CLEV MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
HOUS MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
KANS MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
LOSA MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
NEWY MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
SALT MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
SEAT MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
WASH MX960 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
rtsw0.sing1.net.internet2.edu 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%
rtsw.sing2.net.internet2.edu 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000% 100.00000%

Aggregate Unified - Internet2 IP Core Nodes0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%100.00000%100.00000%

NOTE: Numbers in italics represent downtime with scheduled maintenance excluded. Internet2's definition of scheduled maintenance is any anticipated outage announced at least 72 hours in advance of the outage start time.

Unified - Internet2 IP Backbone CircuitsDown Time Reporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
I2-ATLA-CLEV-VLAN-14832 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
I2-ATLA-CLEV-VLAN-14837 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
I2-ATLA-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-14833 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
I2-ATLA-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-14838 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
I2-CHIC-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-14831 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
I2-CHIC-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-14834 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-ATLA-CHIC-VLAN-09181 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.53134%99.86908%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-ATLA-HOUS-VLAN-09182 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.60876%99.99602%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-ATLA-WASH-VLAN-09179 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.88654%99.96774%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-CHIC-CLEV-VLAN-09180 0 hr 4 min0 hr 4 min 99.96032%99.96032% 99.91917%99.99848%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-CHIC-KANS-VLAN-09183 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.94896%99.99848%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-CLEV-NEWY32AOA-VLAN-09177 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.94061%99.99469%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-CLEV-WASH-VLAN-09178 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.91291%99.94706%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-HOUS-KANS-VLAN-09184 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.84954%99.98672%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-HOUS-LOSA-VLAN-09189 0 hr 1 min0 hr 1 min 99.99008%99.99008% 99.62565%99.75087%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-KANS-SALT-VLAN-09185 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.89375%99.98975%
R&E 10G Backbone: I2-LOSA-PAIX-VLAN-23105 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
Commodity 10G Backbone: I2-LOSA-PAIX-VLAN-23106 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-LOSA-SALT-VLAN-09188 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.98330%99.99905%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-LOSA-SEAT-VLAN-09187 2 hr 8 min0 hr 0 min 98.73016%100.00000% 99.94763%99.99905%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-LOSA-SEAT-VLAN-09328 2 hr 8 min0 hr 0 min 98.73016%100.00000% 99.94763%99.99905%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-LOSA-WILC-VLAN-23103 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
Commodity 100G Backbone: I2-LOSA-WILC-VLAN-23104 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-NEWY32AOA-WASH-VLAN-09176 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.94137%99.95921%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-SALT-SEAT-VLAN-09186 2 hr 8 min0 hr 0 min 98.73016%100.00000% 99.96793%99.99962%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-SALT-SEAT-VLAN-09327 2 hr 8 min0 hr 0 min 98.73016%100.00000% 99.96793%99.99962%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-WASH-ATLA-VLAN-09179 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
R&E 100G Backbone: I2-ATLA-WASH-VLAN-09318 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.88654%99.96774%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-ATLA-CHIC-10GE-05419 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.71634%99.97287%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-ATLA-HOUS-10GE-05423 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.20993%99.56208%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-ATLA-WASH-10GE-05251 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.93871%100.00000%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-ATLA-WASH-10GE-09142 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.93701%99.99829%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-CHIC-CLEV-10GE-08891 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.94023%99.99981%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-CHIC-KANS-10GE-05781 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-CHIC-KANS-10GE-05976 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.97989%99.99962%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-CLEV-NEWY32AOA-10GE-08894 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.96376%99.99962%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-CLEV-WASH-10GE-08889 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.99867%99.99867%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-HOUS-KANS-10GE-05560 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.89982%99.99753%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-HOUS-KANS-LAG-08934 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-HOUS-LOSA-10GE-05559 0 hr 1 min0 hr 1 min 99.99008%99.99008% 99.75770%99.82753%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-KANS-SALT-10GE-05566 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.92505%99.99924%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-KANS-SALT-LAG-08935 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.92505%99.99924%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-LOSA-PAIX-10GE-05853 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.99621%100.00000%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-LOSA-SALT-10GE-05563 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.99013%100.00000%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-LOSA-SEAT-10GE-05564 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.97818%99.99905%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-LOSA-SEAT-10GE-05572 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.99412%99.99981%
Legacy 100G Backbone: I2-LOSA-WILC-100GE-23893 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 100.00000%100.00000%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-NEWY32AOA-WASH-10GE-07612 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.99696%99.99810%
Legacy 10G Backbone: I2-SALT-SEAT-10GE-05565 0 hr 0 min0 hr 0 min 100.00000%100.00000% 99.99981%99.99981%

Aggregate All Unified - Internet2 IP Backbone Circuits 8 hr 38 min8 hr 32 min 99.89512%99.99879% 99.91647%99.97497%

NOTE: Numbers in italics represent downtime with scheduled maintenance excluded. Internet2's definition of scheduled maintenance is any anticipated outage announced at least 72 hours in advance of the outage start time.

Upcoming Scheduled Maintenances

Ticket No.:4154:144
Subject:Maintenance *Tracking* - I2 Optical Member ESnet
Start Time:Monday, June 8, 2015, 12:00 AM (0000) UTC
End Time:Monday, June 8, 2015, 4:00 AM (0400) UTC
Description: Member ESnet's above listed Optical circuits should remain available while ESnet Engineers perform maintenance. No outage is expected, however the entire window is reserved.

Ticket No.:4068:144
Subject:Maintenance Correction 1 of 2 - I2 AL2S Core Node Insertion in Las Vegas, NV
Affected:AL2S Core Node LASV
Start Time:Tuesday, June 9, 2015, 7:00 AM (0700) UTC
End Time:Tuesday, June 9, 2015, 9:00 AM (0900) UTC
Description: *Please note that the maintenance window has been modified* The above listed assets will be unavailable while Internet2 Engineers perform a core node insertion in Las Vegas. An outage of 45 minutes is expected; however the entire window is reserved. Backbone traffic will re-route during this maintenance. Workgroup administrators will receive notifications from OESS regarding circuits re-routed on the backbone. *This is maintenance window 1 of 2*

Ticket No.:4073:144
Subject:Maintenance 1 of 2 - I2 Optical DWDM System CINC-LOUI
Affected:DWDM System CINC-LOUI
AL2S Backbone(s) ATLA-CHIC
IP Backbone(s) ATLA-CHIC
IP Connector University of Memphis and its Participants
IP Connector Indiana Gigapop and its Participants
Start Time:Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 4:00 AM (0400) UTC
End Time:Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 10:00 AM (1000) UTC
Description: DWDM System CINC-LOUI will be unavailable while Level(3) Communications performs cable relocation in Rexville, IN and Cincinnati, OH. An outage of 30 minutes is expected; however the entire window is reserved.

Ticket No.:4141:144
Subject:Maintenance - I2 IP Core Node ATLA
Affected:IP Core Node ATLA and its Connector(s) and Participants
Connector Indiana Gigapop
Connector KyRON
Start Time:Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 4:00 AM (0400) UTC
End Time:Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 4:30 AM (0430) UTC
Description: The above listed asset will be unavailable while Internet2 Engineers perform a maintenance to swap the active routing engine. An outage of up to 10 minutes is expected; however, the entire window is reserved. All connections to the Core Node will be affected.

Ticket No.:4071:144
Subject:Maintenance 2 of 2 - I2 AL2S Core Node Insertion in Las Vegas, NV
Affected:AL2S Core Node LASV
Start Time:Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 7:00 AM (0700) UTC
End Time:Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 9:00 AM (0900) UTC
Description: The above listed assets will be unavailable while Internet2 Engineers perform a core node insertion in Las Vegas. An outage of 45 minutes is expected; however the entire window is reserved. Backbone traffic will re-route during this maintenance. Workgroup administrators will receive notifications from OESS regarding circuits re-routed on the backbone. *This is maintenance window 2 of 2*

Ticket No.:4151:144
Subject:Maintenance - I2 Optical DWDM System RENO-SACR
Affected:DWDM System RENO-SACR
Start Time:Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 7:00 AM (0700) UTC
End Time:Wednesday, June 10, 2015, 1:00 PM (1300) UTC
Description: DWDM System RENO-SACR will be unavailable while Level(3) Communications relocates fiber in Auburn, CA. An outage of one hour is expected. The entire window is reserved.

Ticket No.:4074:144
Subject:Maintenance 2 of 2 - I2 Optical DWDM System CINC-LOUI
Affected:DWDM System CINC-LOUI
AL2S Backbone(s) ATLA-CHIC
IP Backbone(s) ATLA-CHIC
IP Connector University of Memphis and its Participants
IP Connector Indiana Gigapop and its Participants
Start Time:Thursday, June 11, 2015, 4:00 AM (0400) UTC
End Time:Thursday, June 11, 2015, 10:00 AM (1000) UTC
Description: DWDM System CINC-LOUI will be unavailable while Level(3) Communications performs cable relocation in Rexville, IN and Cincinnati, OH. An outage of 30 minutes is expected; however the entire window is reserved. This is an alternate maintenance window, to be used if necessary.

Ticket No.:4119:144
Subject:Maintenance - I2 AL2S Participant CENIC
Affected:AL2S Participant CENIC
Start Time:Thursday, June 11, 2015, 6:00 AM (0600) UTC
End Time:Thursday, June 11, 2015, 7:30 AM (0730) UTC
Description: The above listed will be unavailable while Internet2 Engineers perform port migration maintenance. An outage is expected. The entire window is reserved.

Ticket No.:4135:144
Subject:Maintenance - I2 IP Core Node SEAT
Affected:IP Core Node SEAT and its Connector(s) and Participants
Start Time:Monday, June 15, 2015, 10:00 AM (1000) UTC
End Time:Monday, June 15, 2015, 12:00 PM (1200) UTC
Description: The above listed asset will be unavailable while Internet2 Engineers perform a maintenance to swap the active routing engine. An outage of up to 10 minutes is expected; however, the entire window is reserved. All connections to the Core Node will be affected. This event is part of a multi-core node upgrade event. Each Core Node will be unavailable for 10 minutes during the event. Only one asset will be affected at a time.

Ticket No.:4136:144
Subject:Maintenance - I2 IP Core Node SALT
Affected:IP Core Node SALT and its Connector(s) and Participants
Customer Internet2 (DENV)
Start Time:Monday, June 15, 2015, 10:00 AM (1000) UTC
End Time:Monday, June 15, 2015, 12:00 PM (1200) UTC
Description: The above listed asset will be unavailable while Internet2 Engineers perform a maintenance to swap the active routing engine. An outage of up to 10 minutes is expected; however, the entire window is reserved. All connections to the Core Node will be affected. This event is part of a multi-core node upgrade event. Each Core Node will be unavailable for 10 minutes during the event. Only one asset will be affected at a time.

Ticket No.:4137:144
Subject:Maintenance - I2 IP Core Node LOSA
Affected:IP Core Node LOSA and its Connector(s) and Participants
Customer Oregon Gigapop
Start Time:Monday, June 15, 2015, 10:00 AM (1000) UTC
End Time:Monday, June 15, 2015, 12:00 PM (1200) UTC
Description: The above listed asset will be unavailable while Internet2 Engineers perform a maintenance to swap the active routing engine. An outage of up to 10 minutes is expected; however, the entire window is reserved. All connections to the Core Node will be affected. This event is part of a multi-core node upgrade event. Each Core Node will be unavailable for 10 minutes during the event. Only one asset will be affected at a time.

Ticket No.:4139:144
Subject:Maintenance - I2 IP Core Node PAIX
Affected:IP Core Node PAIX and its Connector(s) and Participants
Start Time:Monday, June 15, 2015, 10:00 AM (1000) UTC
End Time:Monday, June 15, 2015, 12:00 PM (1200) UTC
Description: The above listed asset will be unavailable while Internet2 Engineers perform a maintenance to swap the active routing engine. An outage of up to 10 minutes is expected; however, the entire window is reserved. All connections to the Core Node will be affected. This event is part of a multi-core node upgrade event. Each Core Node will be unavailable for 10 minutes during the event. Only one asset will be affected at a time.

Ticket No.:3989:144
Subject:Maintenance - I2 Various Optical Circuits (Northern Tier)
Affected:AL2S Backbone MINN-MISS2
Net+ Provider Code42 (SEAT)
Start Time:Saturday, June 20, 2015, 1:00 PM (1300) UTC
End Time:Saturday, June 20, 2015, 11:00 PM (2300) UTC
Description: The above listed assets may be unavailable while Zayo Engineers perform circuit maintenance. An outage of up to 3 hours is expected, however the entire maintenance window has been reserved.