Internet2 IP Network Operations Report
06/08/2009 - 06/14/2009

Internet2 IP Network Operations Center
at Indiana University

New Connections




New Services


Unscheduled Outages Summary

Ticket Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Outage Type Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC)

142612-High 2-High Internet2 IP Network Core Node NEWY FPC1 Outage Resolved Hardware 06/14/2009 6:55 PM 06/15/2009 3:40 AM

Unscheduled Outages Detail

Ticket No.:14261:45
Subject:Internet2 IP Network Core Node NEWY FPC1 Outage Resolved
Affected:Backbone Circuit CHIC-NEWY
Connector NYSERNet*
Start Time:Sunday, June 14, 2009, 6:55 PM (1855) UTC
End Time:Monday, June 15, 2009, 3:40 AM (0340) UTC
Description:Backbone Circuit CHIC-NEWY and Connector NYSERNet are now available following a failed FPC in the NEWY router. Internet2 Engineers worked with Juniper technicians on site to replace the card and restore service. *Connector NYSERNet is multihomed and therefore remained reachable.

Scheduled Maintenances Summary

Ticket Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Maintenance Type Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC)

None during this report period

Downtime and Availability

Internet2 IP Core NodesDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
CHIC T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.98160%
NEWY T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99943%
SEAT T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.98994%
WASH T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99924%
HOUS T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99203%
LOSA T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99829%
ATLA T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99943%
SALT T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99905%
KANS T6400 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99848%

Aggregate Internet2 IP Core Nodes0 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99528%

** Less than 52 weeks of data available

Internet2 IP Backbone CircuitsDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
I2-ATLA-CHIC-O192-039170 hr 0 min100.00000%99.85523%
I2-CHIC-NEWY-O192-039135 hr 5 min96.97421%99.85694%
I2-CHIC-KANS-O192-039180 hr 0 min100.00000%99.97287%
** I2-CHIC-KANS-O192-039190 hr 0 min100.00000%99.98273%
I2-CHIC-WASH-O192-039150 hr 0 min100.00000%99.82373%
I2-HOUS-KANS-O192-039210 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99943%
I2-NEWY-WASH-O192-039140 hr 0 min100.00000%99.93207%
** I2-NEWY32AOA-WASH-10GE-046430 hr 0 min100.00000%99.94194%
I2-ATLA-WASH-O192-039160 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99715%
I2-ATLA-WASH-10GE-051330 hr 0 min100.00000%99.98843%
I2-ATLA-HOUS-O192-039220 hr 0 min100.00000%99.68769%
I2-KANS-SALT-O192-039200 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99602%
I2-KANS-SALT-O192-051380 hr 0 min100.00000%100.00000%
I2-SALT-SEAT-O192-039260 hr 0 min100.00000%99.92505%
I2-HOUS-LOSA-O192-039230 hr 0 min100.00000%99.83265%
I2-LOSA-SALT-O192-039250 hr 0 min100.00000%99.99013%
I2-LOSA-SEAT-O192-039240 hr 0 min100.00000%99.95294%

Aggregate All Internet2 IP Backbone Circuits5 hr 5 min99.82201%99.92559%

Upcoming Scheduled Maintenances

Ticket No.:14225:45
Subject:Internet2 IP Network Backbone Circuit ATLA-HOUS Maintenance
Affected:Backbone Circuit ATLA-HOUS
Start Time:Friday, June 19, 2009, 5:00 AM (0500) UTC
End Time:Friday, June 19, 2009, 11:00 AM (1100) UTC
Description: Backbone Circuit ATLA-HOUS will undergo maintenance to repair fiber damaged by Hurricane Gustav. The repair work is between Slidell, MS and New Orleans, LA. A five minute outage is expected, however the entire maintenance window is reserved.