AMPATH Network Operations Report
2019-07-29 - 2019-08-04

AMPATH Network Operations Center

New Connections




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Unscheduled Outages Summary

Incident Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Outage Type Source of Impact Current State Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC) Duration

INC0038827 4 - Low2 - High Brief Outage - AMPATH Provider LANautilus FIU036WPANSA1NNInvestigating Vendor New 2019-07-29 02:54:56 2019-07-29 03:00:08 0 days 0 hr 5 min
INC0038829 2 - High2 - High Outage Resolved - AMPATH Provider LANautilus (FIU026UMI2SA1NN)Hardware Vendor Closed 2019-07-29 03:03:56 2019-07-29 04:20:44 0 days 1 hr 16 min
INC0038886 4 - Low2 - High Outage Resolved - AMPATH Provider LANautilus FIU035WMI2CRPNNCircuit - Cut Fiber Vendor Resolved 2019-07-29 22:01:41
2019-07-30 04:19:42
2019-07-29 22:04:53
2019-07-30 11:37:00
0 days 0 hr 3 min
0 days 7 hr 17 min
INC0039114 2 - High2 - High Outage Resolved - AMPATH Provider LANautilus FIU033WSA1SP4NNCircuit - Cut Fiber Vendor Resolved 2019-08-01 23:45:19 2019-08-02 15:36:27 0 days 15 hr 51 min
INC0039218 2 - High2 - High Outage Resolved - AMPATH Provider LANautilus (FIU026UMI2SA1NN)Hardware Undetermined Resolved 2019-08-04 06:00:25 2019-08-04 09:35:42 0 days 3 hr 35 min

Unscheduled Outages Detail

Ticket No.:INC0038827
Subject:Brief Outage - AMPATH Provider LANautilus FIU036WPANSA1NN
Source Of Impact: Vendor
AMPATH Provider LANautilus
Current State:New
Start Time:2019-07-29 02:54:56
End Time:2019-07-29 03:00:08
DescriptionThe following asset is available after a brief outage. Vendor engineers have been notified. The reason for the outage is pending.

Ticket No.:INC0038829
Subject:Outage Resolved - AMPATH Provider LANautilus (FIU026UMI2SA1NN)
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2019-07-29 03:03:56
End Time:2019-07-29 04:20:44
DescriptionThe listed asset is now available. LANautilus Engineers have been contacted; The reason for outage is due to a card failure in Chile The card has been replaced and remains stable. No further outages are expected.

Ticket No.:INC0038886
Subject:Outage Resolved - AMPATH Provider LANautilus FIU035WMI2CRPNN
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Resolved
Start Time:2019-07-29 22:01:41
End Time:2019-07-29 22:04:53
DescriptionThe listed asset is now available. Provider LANautilus has been contacted. The reason for the outage was due to fiber cut in Jacksonville, FL. Fiber repairs have been completed. No further outages are expected.

Ticket No.:INC0039114
Subject:Outage Resolved - AMPATH Provider LANautilus FIU033WSA1SP4NN
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Resolved
Start Time:2019-08-01 23:45:19
End Time:2019-08-02 15:36:27
DescriptionThe listed assets are available. Provider LANautilus has been contacted. The reason for the outage is a fiber cut in Rio Cuarto, Cordoba - Argentina. Splicing efforts have been completed.

Ticket No.:INC0039218
Subject:Outage Resolved - AMPATH Provider LANautilus (FIU026UMI2SA1NN)
Source Of Impact: Undetermined
Current State:Resolved
Start Time:2019-08-04 06:00:25
End Time:2019-08-04 09:35:42
DescriptionThe listed asset is available. Vendor engineers have indicated that the reason for the outage was a faulty card in St. Croix, Virgin Island. The card has been replaced. No further outages are expected.

Scheduled Maintenances Summary

Ticket Number Customer Impact Network Impact Title Maintenance Type Source Of Impact Current State Start Time (UTC) End Time (UTC) Duration

CHG0037782 Maintenance Complete - AMPATH Backbone Circuit JACK-JACK Circuit Vendor Closed 2019-07-31 04:00:002019-07-31 10:00:00 0 days 6 hr 0 min

Scheduled Maintenances Detail

Ticket No.:CHG0037782
Subject:Maintenance Complete - AMPATH Backbone Circuit JACK-JACK
Source Of Impact: Vendor
Current State:Closed
Start Time:2019-07-31 04:00:00
End Time:2019-07-31 10:00:00
DescriptionThe listed asset is now available after Vendor Engineers performed fiber maintenance. No further outages are expected. The maintenance is complete

Downtime and Availability

AMPATH NodesDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
j480.ampath.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 99.98232%
j480-2.ampath.net00 hr 00 min100.00000% 100.00000%

Aggregate AMPATH Core Nodes0 days 0 hr 0 min 100.00000% 99.99116%

AMPATH Backbone CircuitsDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability
FIU033WSA1SP4NN15 hr 51 min 90.56414% 96.09193%
FIU030WMI2FORNN00 hr 00 min 100.00000% 97.32869%
AMP-JACK-JACK-100GE-524116 hr 0 min 96.42857% 8.88830%
FIU034WFORSP4NN00 hr 00 min 100.00000% 95.52496%
FIU015TCARMI2NN00 hr 00 min 100.00000% 100.00000%
FIU026UMI2SA1NN4 hr 52 min 97.10234% 98.67513%
FIU031WCRPPANNN00 hr 00 min 100.00000% 100.00000%
FIU035WMI2CRPNN7 hr 20 min 95.62995% 99.41990%
FIU036WPANSA1NN0 hr 5 min 99.94841% 99.20659%
FIU020UMI2SP3NN00 hr 00 min 100.00000% 99.82712%

Aggregate All AMPATH Backbone Circuits1 days 10 hr 8 min 97.96734% 89.49626%

Availablity by Service

AMPATH Backbone CircuitsDown TimeReporting Period Availability52 Week Availability

Upcoming Scheduled Maintenances

None Currently Planned